Florida Gun Bill 2018: Know the Details - Urban Carry Holsters
Order The Extraordinary Urban Carry Holsters

Thursday, 15 March 2018

Florida Gun Bill 2018: Know the Details

The fateful day of 14th February is one of the most heartbreaking day for the United States of America when a gunman of a mere 19 years, lured the students of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, Parkland and open fired with semi-automatic AR-15. The massacre ended with the death of 17 students along with 14 who were gravely injured. This attack not only brought a life shattering earthquake in the lives of numerous people, but also stirred a nationwide debate on the gun policies that are currently prevailing in America.

During the course of events, roughly after one month of the shooting day, on the 7th of March 2018, Florida Legislature passed the historic gun control bill, which, according to many, was the need of the hour. This can be marked as one of the major victory for the activists, families of the deceased and the survivors of the Parkland Shooting. It is definitely a huge setback for NRA that is constantly under the eye and is facing open criticism for its statements. Now, all the eyes are on Gov. Rick Scott as his signatures can turn this bill into the first victorious gun control measure in the history of the state of Florida.

Though this bill is a huge milestone, several provisions that include a ban on the assault weapons and high capacity magazines are excluded. Let’s take a look at the bill and what all are the inclusions and exclusions
What Does the Bill Include?

1. Increase the Minimum Age: This bill proposes to increase the minimum age for the purchase of any gun from 18 to 21. This would be a parting from the federal law which discourages people who are under the age of 21 to buy handguns from the licensed dealer, but can buy rifles and shotguns (which are far deadlier) at the age of 18. 

2. Creation of a Waiting Period: There would be a waiting period of at least three days till the background check is completed. This period can be extended, which depends on the time taken for the background check. There would be certain exceptions for cops and military people.

3. Ban on the Bump Stocks: If the bill is signed by the Governor, then there would be a ban on the bump stocks, which is a device that is attached to the assault rifle to make the shooter fire faster and in continuation.

4. Arm the School Employees: This one is the most controversial clause of this bill as it was never the demand of the Parkland students. A clause that is greatly supported by NRA, the teachers, counselors, coaches and librarians would be trained and armed to use the concealed carry weapon. In other words, now you would see teachers carrying a handgun in their deep concealment holsters.

5. Funding the School Security: This bill proposes separate funds for schools that are meant to hire school-based police officers and cops. Also, it includes the usage of funds to enhance the security of the buildings.

6. Expansion of Mental Health Services and Regulations: With this bill, the Florida schools would get special funds for the mental health care of the students. Moreover, this bill would give the police authorities the power to confiscate weapons from the individuals who are encountering psychiatric evaluation under Florida’s Baker Act. This act would restrict gun sales to the people who are deemed as mentally unstable by a judge or were admitted to any mental institution. 

What Does the Bill Exclude?

1. Ban on the Assault Weapons: Ban on the assault weapons was on the biggest demands of the activists and students. But due to the vagueness of the statement as to what kind of assault weapons should be banned, this clause is excluded from the bill.

2. Suspension on the Sales of AR15: Another amendment that was proposed by Senator Oscar Braynon that involved a ban on the sales of AR15 and this made it clear that Florida Legislature isn’t in the mood to ban the assault weapon, whatsoever they may be.

3. Ban on the High Capacity Magazine: There is no ban on the high capacity magazines that are capable to fire 100 rounds in one go. This proposal received huge public support.

4. Strengthening the Background Check: This proposal received bipartisan support, but isn’t included in the bill. Though under Federal law, background check is necessary when there is the purchase of a gun from the licensed dealer, there are several loopholes that need to be addressed.
All in all, this bill can prove to be a turning point in the gun laws in the United States of America. When everybody is looking forward for the decision of Gov. Rick Scott, the reaction from the NRA is still awaited.

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